Well I found, my loving fashion. Because I saw that not give so much attention articles not about fashion, now back with a new article. It is a charming received from another product dresslink.com.
You can find here:
Perfect for chilly days. On the whole interior is fur, which besides it is very fluffy and very well keep warm. I personally adore, and I love to stand hooded head when the wind blows or is cold as it was in the picture above.
Neither back vest does not look bad simply complements almost any outfit consists of pants and shirts with sleeves. Of course we must be atention at how few assorted colors. Thinking seriously about May I buy several different colors but can always have a new outfit.
There are two ways to wear her vest be closed especially when it is very cold, either open it when you want to May and breathe. When you choose the right size look to be a few inches higher and you know that autumn as we seek to have more clothes on and you wake up it will not be small.
I like very much, it is the kind of product that leave almost always wore. I’d really like to find a jacket like this, who know maybe I can take one all the dresslink that all products are so beautiful and good quality.
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Interesanta vestuta. Imi place cum arata 🙂
Foarte buna vesta pentru timpul racoros si pretul e bun la 7,47$
Da, pretul ei este foarte bun si este asa de calduroasa
draguta foc vesta, pare de calitate. Mie imi place mai mult varianta bleu sau cea olive.
Deja ma gandesc sa le adaug pe lista de cumparaturi :*
mie nu-mi placeau vestele in adolescenta, dar de vreo 5 ani m-aam indragotit de ele. Imi cumpar in fiecare sezon cate una. 😛
Nici eu nu prea port veste, dar aceasta m-a cucerit!
o sa vina si vremea vestutei, la pretul acesta este excelenta!
La noi deja au fost cateva zile perfecte de vesta.
Imi place vesta si sunt convinsa ca este foarte calduroasa. Si pretul este mai mult decat OK.
Este foarte calduroasa si pufoasa 🙂
Tare draguta, am si eu doua, dar mi-ar trbuii si una cu gluga asa ca a ta 🙂
Intra pe site si i-ati, pana si gluga este pufoasa la ea.
Ooo, ce imi place vestuta. Iti vin toate foarte bine.
Multumesc frumos :*
Ma uit la vesta ta si parca simt cata caldura face.
Foarte multa
Arata bine insa exista si varianta masculina? Ar merge de toamna 🙂
it seems so nice and cozy.
Yes 🙂
sunt fan veste, imi plac la nebunie! si imi place si mai mult vremea racoroasa, am mai multe posibilitati de combinare a hainelor. asa ca pot spune ca acest produs mi se pare suuuuper!
Multumesc! Sper sa il adaugi colectiei tale!
Imi place frigul si-mi plac vestutele la nebunie! deci pot spune ca acest produs e exact pe placul meu!
Ma bucur!
Nu prea obisnuiesc sa port veste insa a ta e draguta.